Two new procedures to treat an enlarged prostate (also called benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH) are now available at South County Urological. Both procedures are outpatient and can be performed in our office with minimal patient sedation.
The new treatments are:
Rezum™ water vapor therapy. This novel outpatient treatment uses energy from steam (water vapor) to reduce excess prostate tissue that blocks normal urine flow. Heat from the steam gently vaporizes extra tissue. The treated areas shrink so the prostate is more open. Symptom relief is gradual, usually over several weeks. A benefit of Rezum is that a man maintains normal ejaculations.
UroLift® prostatic urethral lift. This procedure uses tiny bands or implants to separate excess prostate tissue that blocks normal urine flow. UroLift does not involve cutting, heating, or the removal of prostate tissue. It provides rapid symptom relief and is meant for men with a certain prostate anatomy.