Doctor’s Orders: Watch television following procedure.

Thinking about a vasectomy? March Madness is a great time to schedule procedure.

Been thinking about getting ‘snipped? A lot of men schedule their vasectomy during the NCAA March Madness games so they can watch relax, lounge on the couch and watch basketball — doctor’s orders. In fact, the Cleveland Clinic has notices a significant uptick in the outpatient procedure during the three-week tournament. So do many other urologists throughout the nation.

About a half million vasectomies are performed in the United States each year. The procedure is performed by cutting the vas deferens tube in each testicle, where sperm passes through to form semen. A “no-scalpel vasectomy” uses small puncture holes that don’t require stitches.

The 2014 tournament begins March 18th. Final Four Friday is April 4th.

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