Coffee, Tea & Prostate Cancer

1779114_545429685565005_577986635_nDrink up. That extra ‘cuppa Joe’ may be good for your prostate.

A study conducted at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle found that coffee drinkers who consumed four or more ‘cups of Joe’ experienced a 59 percent reduction in prostate cancer recurrence and progression, compared to men who drank one or fewer cups of coffee per week. However, researchers found no association between drinking tea and a reduction in prostate cancer mortality.  There were too few regular tea drinkers in the study.

The study examined the coffee and tea consumption habits of 630 men with prostate cancer from King County, Washington, and tracked their outcomes for at least five years.

Results were similar to findings of the Harvard Health Professionals Follow-up Study, which found that men who drank six or more cups of coffee each day had a 60 percent decreased risk for metastatic prostate cancer compared to men who drank no coffee.   Although both studies show a link between higher coffee consumption and reducing prostate cancer recurrence, increasing one’s caffeine intake can be harmful for some men, such as those with high blood pressure.


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